Class Database

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Database
    extends JdbcData
    This class is a layer between a DBMS or any other data source and i-net Clear Reports. It compensate the differences between the different DBMS. This class is the default implementation and should work with any SQL99 compatible database. The major information are:
    • whether a JDBC driver is used to fetch the data or if you want to set the data directly via engine.setData() or engine.setResultSet()
    • whether or not the data must be fetched for every instance of the sub-report on only once
    • the string that this database uses to represent a boolean

    Additionally this class provides a method which is called to fetch the data from the database. This method is called when the report engine is executed and fetches the data for both, the main report and all its sub-reports. You may override this method and use engine.setData() if you want to fetch the report data yourself.

    We first describe how data for the main report is fetched:

    • We check which DataSourceConfiguration is used in the report template. You can override the DataSourceConfiguration via the Datasource.setup or via the URL parameter datasource=.
    • The appropriate driver is loaded with the appropriate URL and the appropriate properties.
    • A connection to the database is opened. This only happens when the maximum number of connections (MaxConnections=5 in the i-net Clear Reports configuration) is not exceeded---and if the method database.useJdbcDriver() returns true.
    • The meta-data is examined and the appropriate database class is loaded
    • An SQL statement is created and executed in the database if database.useJdbcDriver() returns true.
    • The report data is fetched by calling the method getReportData(). The data is fetched, unnecessary records are discarded, the data is sorted and grouped and stored into the engine by using the method engine.setData().
    • The connection is closed immediately.

    Fetching data for sub-reports is more complicated. Each sub-report is a complete report in its own right and thus consumes one connection to the database. Also a sub-report may be called more than once for each main report. For a given main report a sub-report must be re-executed and its report data must be fetched again if it is called with different set of parameters. This means that the database connection for a sub-report cannot be closed immediately, instead it will be closed after the main report has finished executing.
    In the i-net Clear Reports configuration the maximum of connections is set to 5 (MaxConnections=5). If your main report consumes one connection then your sub-reports can only consume MaxConnections-1 connections. So please set MaxConnections to an appropriate value. For example if you have a report which consumes a database connection and 5 sub-reports where each sub-report also consume one database connection set the value MaxConnections=6. However, if your reports use more than 2 or 3 sub-reports, you should better change the layout of your report.
    If you override the method getReportData(), you could specify if the method getReportData() should be called whenever the set of parameters changes for the sub-report or only once. You do this by overriding the method getReportDataPerInstance() to return true.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create a default Database class instance.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String convertIdentifier​(Datasource ds, java.lang.String identifier)
      Checks whether an identifier can be used right away or has to be quoted due to invalid characters or keywords.
      java.lang.String convertModOperation​(java.lang.String dividend, java.lang.String divisor)
      Returns a valid sql expression to evaluate the remainder of an division.
      java.lang.String convertStringToSQLSyntax​(java.lang.String s, boolean isFunctionParam)
      This function transfoms a java String to a SQL String representation.
      The default implementation surrounds the String with ' char.
      So the String hello will transformed to 'hello'.
      If passed String contains the qote character, it will be quoted.
      So the String Hello 'World' will transformed to 'Hello ''World'''.

      This function can be used to transform the String that multilanguage characters will supported.
      java.lang.String convertToBoolean​(boolean value)
      Returns the representation of a boolean value in the query language of the database.
      java.lang.String convertToBoolean​(java.lang.String fieldReference, boolean invert)
      If required, this function modifies a field reference to convert the value of the field to a boolean.
      java.lang.String convertToDate​(java.lang.String date)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Time data type.
      java.lang.String convertToDate​(java.lang.String year, java.lang.String month, java.lang.String day)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Date data type.
      java.lang.String convertToDouble​(java.lang.String parameter)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Double data type.
      java.lang.String convertToInt​(java.lang.String parameter)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Integer data type.
      java.lang.String convertToString​(java.lang.String parameter)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a String data type.
      java.lang.String convertToTime​(java.lang.String time)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Time data type.
      java.lang.String convertToTime​(java.lang.String hour, java.lang.String minute, java.lang.String sec)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Time data type.
      java.lang.String convertToTimeStamp​(java.lang.String year, java.lang.String month, java.lang.String day, java.lang.String hour, java.lang.String minute, java.lang.String sec)
      Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Timestamp data type.
      void fetchData​(Engine engine, FetchTables fetchTables, DataCollector dataCollector)
      Fetches the part of the report data for which this data factory is responsible.
      protected void findColumnLabels​(TableSource tableSource)
      Tries to find column labels for the columns of the provided TableSource.
      java.lang.String getAddOp()
      Overwrite this method if the used database uses another sign than "+" as add operator.
      java.lang.String getAliasToken()
      As of i-net Clear Reports 13.1, replaced by getConfiguration().getAliasToken()
      protected java.lang.String getColumnName​(java.lang.String colName, java.lang.String alias, int driverVersion, TableSource ts, int colIdx)
      Returns the column name dependent of the database.
      protected int getCursorType​(int dataType)
      Returns the SQL data type for a cursor if the stored procedure parameter is a cursor.
      java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
      Returns the string used to quote SQL identifiers.
      int getMaxAliasNameLength()
      Returns the maximum length of the alias name.
      protected java.sql.ResultSet getProcedureColumns​(Datasource ds, java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String schema, java.lang.String procedure)
      Is used from #getColumns(TableSource) if the TableSource based on a stored procedure.
      protected java.sql.ResultSet getProcedures​(Datasource ds, java.lang.String catalog)
      Is used from #getTableSourceInfos(Datasource, String) to find a list of stored procedures.
      protected java.lang.String getSourceNameWithChange​(TableSource ts, boolean escapeEverything)
      Returns the source name like catalog.schema.table.
      protected java.lang.String getSqlIdentifier​(Datasource ds, java.lang.String identifier, boolean escapeEverything)
      Returns the SQL identifier regarding the settings of getIdentifierQuoteString(), escapeEverything and needQuote(String). getSqlSyntax()
      Returns the SQL syntax definition instance for this data factory.
      protected java.sql.ResultSet getTables​(Datasource ds, java.lang.String catalog)
      Is used from #getTableSourceInfos(Datasource, String) to find a list of tables and views.
      protected void initTransient()
      Init transient variables after serialize.
      boolean isCursor​(int sqlType)
      FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY test if the given sql type is a cursor type
      boolean isEscapeEverything()
      Returns the value of the flag escapeEverything.
      protected boolean isKeyword​(java.lang.String identifier)
      Returns true when the specified identifier is a keyword of this database.
      boolean isUseOrderBy()
      Indicates whether an ORDER BY clause is allowed for the sql statement.
      This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
      boolean isUseParenthesiseForJoin()
      Indicates whether parentheses are allowed in FROM clause of the sql statement.
      For example the SAPDB does not support parentheses in JOIN syntax.
      This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
      boolean isUseQuoteLowerCase()
      Indicates whether table names and column names have to be quoted
      For example, this property can be necessary for Oracle/PostgreSQL databases, if table/column where created with quotes and lower (Oracle) or upper (PostgreSQL) case characters.
      boolean isUseSQL92syntax()
      Indicates whether the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax or not.
      boolean isUseWhereClause()
      Indicates whether the SQL statement can contain the WHERE clause or not.
      This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
      protected boolean needQuote​(java.lang.String identifier)
      Returns if the supplied SQL identifier needs to be put in quotes.
      protected java.lang.String[] parseSourceName​(java.lang.String sqlSource)
      Splits the provided name of a SQL source (name of a table, view or stored procedure) into three parts.
      protected void scanIdentifierQuoteString​(Datasource dc)
      This method will detect which String should be used to quote database identifiers for the supplied Datasource.
      protected boolean scanSourceType​(TableSource ts, dataTypeScale, boolean useMetaDataCache)
      FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Ermittelt den Typ der Datenquelle true, bei Stored Procedure false(default)
      protected boolean scanSourceTypeParameters​(java.sql.Connection con, java.lang.String srcCatalog, java.lang.String srcSchema, java.sql.ResultSet rs, parameters)
      FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Scans the result set whith a column format as defined by DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) and adds all columns found to a ParameterList.
      protected void scanSourceTypeParameterSingle​(java.sql.ResultSet rs, parameters)
      FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Add a single parameter, does not change the ResultSet position.
      void setAliasToken​(java.lang.String aliasToken)
      As of i-net Clear Reports 13.1, replaced by getConfiguration().setAliasToken(String)
      void setIdentifierQuoteString​(java.lang.String quoteString)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Sets the string used to quote SQL identifiers.
      void setUseEscapeEverything​(boolean escapeEvreything)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      This flag influence the way SQL identifier are written to SQL statement.
      void setUseOrderBy​(boolean useOrderBy)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Set this flag to false if the database does not support the ORDER BY clause.
      void setUseParenthesiseForJoin​(boolean useParenthesiseForJoin)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Set here whether the sql statement can have parentheses in FROM clause or not.
      For example the SAPDB does not support parentheses in JOIN syntax.
      This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
      void setUseQuoteLowerCase​(boolean useQuoteLowerCase)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Set here whether table names and column names have to be quoted.
      For example, this property can be necessary for Oracle/PostgreSQL databases, if table/column where created with quotes and lower (Oracle) or upper (PostgreSQL) case characters.
      void setUseSQL92syntax​(boolean useSQL92syntax)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Set here whether the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax or not.
      If set on true, the join is contained in FROM clause, otherwise in WHERE clause.
      Note: full outer join is not possible in WHERE clause.
      void setUseWhereClause​(boolean useWhereClause)
      This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
      Set this flag to false if the database does not support the WHERE clause.
      java.lang.String sqlConcat​(java.lang.Object leftOperant, java.lang.Object rightOperant)
      Returns a valid sql statement concatenating two expressions.
      java.lang.String toSQL92​(java.lang.String function, Field field)
      Creates a SQL92 expression with function and one parameter.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Constructor Detail

      • Database

        public Database()
        Create a default Database class instance.
    • Method Detail

      • initTransient

        protected void initTransient()
        Init transient variables after serialize.
      • scanSourceType

        protected boolean scanSourceType​(TableSource ts,
                                         boolean useMetaDataCache)
                                  throws java.sql.SQLException,
        FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Ermittelt den Typ der Datenquelle true, bei Stored Procedure false(default)
      • scanIdentifierQuoteString

        protected void scanIdentifierQuoteString​(Datasource dc)
                                          throws java.sql.SQLException,
        This method will detect which String should be used to quote database identifiers for the supplied Datasource. For JDBC drivers this will call DatabaseMetaData.getIdentifierQuoteString(). The identifier quote string detected should be applied to this Database using setIdentifierQuoteString(String).
        Overriding classes can use this method to detect the identifier quote string on their own.
        dc - The Datasource providing the connection information.
        java.sql.SQLException - If a SQL error occurred during request of database meta data.
        ReportException - If an error occurred during establishing a database connection.
      • scanSourceTypeParameters

        protected boolean scanSourceTypeParameters​(java.sql.Connection con,
                                                   java.lang.String srcCatalog,
                                                   java.lang.String srcSchema,
                                                   java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                                            throws java.sql.SQLException
        FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Scans the result set whith a column format as defined by DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) and adds all columns found to a ParameterList.
        con - the used connection
        srcCatalog - the catalog from the source of the procedure
        srcSchema - the schema from the source of the procedure
        rs - the result set of the getProcedureColumns method call, must not be null
        parameters - the list to add the parameter specs to, must not be null
        true, if at least one dataset is in the result set, false if it's empty
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
      • scanSourceTypeParameterSingle

        protected void scanSourceTypeParameterSingle​(java.sql.ResultSet rs,
                                              throws java.sql.SQLException
        FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Add a single parameter, does not change the ResultSet position. DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) and adds all columns found to a ParameterList.
        rs - the result set of the getProcedureColumns method call, must not be null
        parameters - the list to add the parameter specs to, must not be null
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
      • parseSourceName

        protected java.lang.String[] parseSourceName​(java.lang.String sqlSource)
        Splits the provided name of a SQL source (name of a table, view or stored procedure) into three parts. The name can consist of the following parts: [[catalog.]schema.]name. The array returned contains these three parts each part set to null if not set.
        sqlSource - The name of the SQL source which may contain catalog or schema qualifier.
        A string array of dimension 3 with the following values for the three indexes:
        • array[0] the catalog or null if no catalog is set
        • array[1] the schema or null if no schema is set
        • array[2] the name (never null)
      • getColumnName

        protected java.lang.String getColumnName​(java.lang.String colName,
                                                 java.lang.String alias,
                                                 int driverVersion,
                                                 TableSource ts,
                                                 int colIdx)
        Returns the column name dependent of the database.
        getColumnName in class JdbcData
        colName - the column name
        alias - the column alias (required for MySQL Connector5.x only)
        driverVersion - the driver version (required for MySQL Connector5.x only)
        ts - the table source
        colIdx - the column index (required for Informix only)
        the name
      • needQuote

        protected boolean needQuote​(java.lang.String identifier)
        Returns if the supplied SQL identifier needs to be put in quotes. Usually this is the case if the identifier contains special characters or is equal to a SQL keyword.
        identifier - The SQL identifier to be checked.
        True if the SQL identifier should be put in quotes false otherwise.
      • isKeyword

        protected boolean isKeyword​(java.lang.String identifier)
        Returns true when the specified identifier is a keyword of this database.
        identifier - the identifier
        true when the specified identifier is a keyword of this database
      • getSqlIdentifier

        protected java.lang.String getSqlIdentifier​(Datasource ds,
                                                    java.lang.String identifier,
                                                    boolean escapeEverything)
        Returns the SQL identifier regarding the settings of getIdentifierQuoteString(), escapeEverything and needQuote(String). If getIdentifierQuoteString() is empty the provided identifier will be returned without modification. If escapeEverything returns true the whole identifier provided should be put in the quotes returned by getIdentifierQuoteString(). Otherwise each part of the SQL identifier will be checked with needQuote(String) and put in quotes if necessary. The identifier can consist of catalog, schema and name like this: [[catalog.]schema.]name.
        ds - The Datasource object of the report which uses the provided SQL identifier.
        identifier - The identifier which should be prepared for SQL.
        escapeEverything - True if the complete sql identifier should be quoted false otherwise
        The identifier which can be used in a SQL statement.
      • getSourceNameWithChange

        protected java.lang.String getSourceNameWithChange​(TableSource ts,
                                                           boolean escapeEverything)
        Returns the source name like catalog.schema.table. Overwrites the catalog and schema names if these was changed in the Datasource.
        Specified by:
        getSourceNameWithChange in class JdbcData
        ts - the table source
        escapeEverything - True if the complete sql identifier should be quoted false otherwise
        the name
      • getAddOp

        public java.lang.String getAddOp()
        Overwrite this method if the used database uses another sign than "+" as add operator.
        The SQL String representation of the add operator.
      • sqlConcat

        public java.lang.String sqlConcat​(java.lang.Object leftOperant,
                                          java.lang.Object rightOperant)
        Returns a valid sql statement concatenating two expressions. The default implementation is:
        leftOperant + getAddOp() + rightOperant
        Example implemantation of MySQL:
        " concat("+leftOperant+","+rightOperant+") "
        Specified by:
        sqlConcat in interface
        leftOperant - the left operand
        rightOperant - the right operand
        A SQL String representation
        See Also:
      • getTables

        protected java.sql.ResultSet getTables​(Datasource ds,
                                               java.lang.String catalog)
                                        throws java.sql.SQLException,
        Is used from #getTableSourceInfos(Datasource, String) to find a list of tables and views.
        Specified by:
        getTables in class JdbcData
        ds - The current Datasource containing the Connection.
        catalog - The catalog/database set in login dialog of i-net Designer.
        A ResultSet with the structure of DatabaseMetaData.getTables()
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
        ReportException - if the creation of a Connection failed.
      • getProcedures

        protected java.sql.ResultSet getProcedures​(Datasource ds,
                                                   java.lang.String catalog)
                                            throws java.sql.SQLException,
        Is used from #getTableSourceInfos(Datasource, String) to find a list of stored procedures. Returns the procedures meta data for a datasource and catalog as defined by DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(String, String, String)
        Specified by:
        getProcedures in class JdbcData
        ds - the datasource to connect to (if not already connected)
        catalog - a catalog name; must match the catalog name as it is stored in the database; "" retrieves those without a catalog; null means that the catalog name should not be used to narrow the search
        each row is a procedure description
        java.sql.SQLException - if a database access error occurs
        ReportException - if creating a Connection failed.
      • getProcedureColumns

        protected java.sql.ResultSet getProcedureColumns​(Datasource ds,
                                                         java.lang.String catalog,
                                                         java.lang.String schema,
                                                         java.lang.String procedure)
                                                  throws java.sql.SQLException,
        Is used from #getColumns(TableSource) if the TableSource based on a stored procedure.
        Specified by:
        getProcedureColumns in class JdbcData
        ds - The Datasource containing the Connection.
        catalog - The catalog/database set in login dialog of i-net Designer.
        schema - The table owner or null.
        procedure - The procedure name.
        A ResultSet with the structure of DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns
        java.sql.SQLException - This SQLException will be show in a message box in i-net Designer.
        ReportException - if the creation of a Connection failed.
      • isCursor

        public boolean isCursor​(int sqlType)
        FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY test if the given sql type is a cursor type
        sqlType - The sql type to test if it should be treated as cursor.
        True if the supplied sql type should be treated as a cursor false otherwise.
      • getCursorType

        protected int getCursorType​(int dataType)
        Returns the SQL data type for a cursor if the stored procedure parameter is a cursor. If no special SQL data type exists for a cursor then the original data type will be returned.
        The default implementation returns the original data type always.
        dataType - The original SQL data type for the stored procedure parameter which should be used as cursor.
        The SQL data type for a cursor.
      • getMaxAliasNameLength

        public int getMaxAliasNameLength()
        Returns the maximum length of the alias name. Some databases have restrictions to the length of the alias name. So this method will return 18 as the default value. Databases which allow alias names to have more than 18 characters can overwrite this method and return a higher value.
        The maximum length of an alias name.
      • convertToString

        public java.lang.String convertToString​(java.lang.String parameter)
                                         throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a String data type. This method is required for transforming the record selection formula and the group to a valid SQL Statement. The base implementation does the following:
        return "{fn CONVERT( "+parameter+", SQL_CHAR ) }";
        The class DatabaseAccess for example overwrites that method and returns:
        return "Cstr("+parameter+")";
        Specified by:
        convertToString in interface
        parameter - set in ToText(parameter)
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToInt

        public java.lang.String convertToInt​(java.lang.String parameter)
                                      throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Integer data type. This method is required for transforming the record selection formula and the group to a valid SQL Statement. The base implementation does the following:
        return "{fn CONVERT( "+parameter+", SQL_INTEGER ) }";
        The class DatabaseAccess for example overwrites that method and returns:
        return "Cint("+parameter+")";
        Specified by:
        convertToInt in interface
        parameter - set in Int(parameter),Truncate(parameter)
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToDouble

        public java.lang.String convertToDouble​(java.lang.String parameter)
                                         throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Double data type. This method is required for transforming the record selection formula and the group to a valid SQL Statement. The base implementation does the following:
        return "{fn CONVERT( "+parameter+", SQL_DOUBLE ) }";
        The class DatabaseAccess for example overwrites that method and returns:
        return "Cdbl("+parameter+")";
        Specified by:
        convertToDouble in interface
        parameter - set in Cdbl(parameter),ToNumber(parameter)
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToTime

        public java.lang.String convertToTime​(java.lang.String time)
                                       throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Time data type. This method is required for transforming the record selection formula and the group to a valid SQL Statement. The base implementation does the following:
        return "{fn CONVERT( "+parameter+", SQL_TIME ) }";
        The class DatabaseOracle for example overwrites that method and returns:
        return "to_date('1970-01-01 '||"+hour+"||'/'||"+minute+"||'/'||"+sec+",'yyyy-mm-dd HH24/MI/SS')";
        Specified by:
        convertToTime in interface
        time - parameter set in TimeValue(parameter),CTime(parameter)
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToDate

        public java.lang.String convertToDate​(java.lang.String date)
                                       throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameter to a Time data type. This method is required for transforming the record selection formula and the group to a valid SQL Statement. The base implementation does the following:
        return "{fn CONVERT( "+parameter+", SQL_TIME ) }";
        The class DatabaseOracle for example overwrites that method and returns:
        return "to_date('1970-01-01 '||"+hour+"||'/'||"+minute+"||'/'||"+sec+",'yyyy-mm-dd HH24/MI/SS')";
        Specified by:
        convertToDate in interface
        date - parameter set in TimeValue(parameter),CTime(parameter)
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToDate

        public java.lang.String convertToDate​(java.lang.String year,
                                              java.lang.String month,
                                              java.lang.String day)
                                       throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Date data type. This method must be overwritten if you use the function CDate(YYYY, MM, DD) or Date(YYYY, MM, DD) and at least one of the parameters is a dynamic parameter. The parameter is dynamic if it is a table column for example. The returned sql expression must be database specific, because there exists no escape function with three parameter.
        Example solution for SQL Server:
        "convert(datetime, right( '0000' + convert(varchar,"+year+"),4) + right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+month+"), 2) + right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+day+"), 2))"
        Example solution for Oracle Server:
        Specified by:
        convertToDate in interface
        year - The year of the date to convert.
        month - The month of the date to convert.
        day - The day of the date to convert.
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToTime

        public java.lang.String convertToTime​(java.lang.String hour,
                                              java.lang.String minute,
                                              java.lang.String sec)
                                       throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Time data type. This method must be overwritten if you use the function CTime(HH, MM, SS) or Time(HH, MM, SS) and at least one of the parameters is a dynamic parameter. The parameter is dynamic if it is a table column for example. The returned sql expression must be database specific, because there exists no escape function with three parameter.
        Example solution for SQL Server:
        "convert(datetime, right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+hour+"),2)+ ':'+ right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+minute+"), 2) +':'+ right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+sec+"),2),8)"
        Example solution for Oracle Server:
        "to_date('1970-01-01 '||"+hour+"||'/'||"+minute+"||'/'||"+sec+",'yyyy-mm-dd HH24/MI/SS')"
        Specified by:
        convertToTime in interface
        hour - The hour of the time to convert.
        minute - The minute of the time to convert.
        sec - The second of the time to convert.
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertToTimeStamp

        public java.lang.String convertToTimeStamp​(java.lang.String year,
                                                   java.lang.String month,
                                                   java.lang.String day,
                                                   java.lang.String hour,
                                                   java.lang.String minute,
                                                   java.lang.String sec)
                                            throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to convert the given parameters to a Timestamp data type. This method must be overwritten if you use the function DateTime(YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) or DateTimeValueTime(YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS) and at least one of the parameters is a dynamic parameter. The parameter is dynamic if it is a table column for example. The returned sql expression must be database specific, because there exists no escape function with three parameter.
        Example solution for SQL Server:
        "convert(datetime, right( '0000' + convert(varchar,"+year+"),4) + '-' + right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+month+"), 2) + '-' +right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+day+"),2)+' '+right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+hour+"),2)+ ':'+ right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+minute+"), 2) +':'+ right( '00' + convert(varchar,"+sec+"),2),20)"
        Specified by:
        convertToTimeStamp in interface
        year - The year of the date to convert.
        month - The month of the date to convert.
        day - The day of the date to convert.
        hour - The hour of the time to convert.
        minute - The minute of the time to convert.
        sec - The second of the time to convert.
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertModOperation

        public java.lang.String convertModOperation​(java.lang.String dividend,
                                                    java.lang.String divisor)
                                             throws ReportException
        Returns a valid sql expression to evaluate the remainder of an division. The given parameter are the divisor and the dividend of the division. This method must be overwritten if you use the mod operation and at least one of the parameters is a dynamic parameter. The parameter is dynamic if it is a table column for example. The returned sql expression must be database specific.
        The default implementation is:
        dividend+"%"+divisor Example solution for Oracle Server:
        Specified by:
        convertModOperation in interface
        dividend - The dividend of the mod operation to convert.
        divisor - The divisor of the mod operation to convert.
        The SQL String representation.
        ReportException - if that convert function is not possible in the database. In this case the function will be evaluated by i-net Clear Reports.
      • convertStringToSQLSyntax

        public java.lang.String convertStringToSQLSyntax​(java.lang.String s,
                                                         boolean isFunctionParam)
        This function transfoms a java String to a SQL String representation.
        The default implementation surrounds the String with ' char.
        So the String hello will transformed to 'hello'.
        If passed String contains the qote character, it will be quoted.
        So the String Hello 'World' will transformed to 'Hello ''World'''.

        This function can be used to transform the String that multilanguage characters will supported. For MS SQL Server for example the class DatabaseSqlServer prefix the N. So the String Hello 'World' will transformed to N'Hello ''World'''.
        Specified by:
        convertStringToSQLSyntax in interface
        s - The String that have to transformed to SQL representation.
        isFunctionParam - Shows that this flag is a constant parameter to be used by a function. This is important for parameters which can not be written as multi-language parameters. For example, the first parameter of the function TIMESTAMPADD cannot be a multi-language parameter for a Microsoft SQL Server database.
        The SQL String representation.
      • setUseOrderBy

        public void setUseOrderBy​(boolean useOrderBy)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Set this flag to false if the database does not support the ORDER BY clause. In this case the record sorting will be done from i-net Clear Reports.
        This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
        useOrderBy - Whether the sql statement can have an ORDER BY clause or not.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), isUseOrderBy()
      • isUseParenthesiseForJoin

        public boolean isUseParenthesiseForJoin()
        Indicates whether parentheses are allowed in FROM clause of the sql statement.
        For example the SAPDB does not support parentheses in JOIN syntax.
        This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
        True if parantheses are allowed in the FROM clause false otherwise.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), setUseParenthesiseForJoin(boolean)
      • setUseParenthesiseForJoin

        public void setUseParenthesiseForJoin​(boolean useParenthesiseForJoin)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Set here whether the sql statement can have parentheses in FROM clause or not.
        For example the SAPDB does not support parentheses in JOIN syntax.
        This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
        useParenthesiseForJoin - Whether the sql statement can have parentheses in FROM clause or not.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), isUseParenthesiseForJoin()
      • isUseQuoteLowerCase

        public boolean isUseQuoteLowerCase()
        Indicates whether table names and column names have to be quoted
        For example, this property can be necessary for Oracle/PostgreSQL databases, if table/column where created with quotes and lower (Oracle) or upper (PostgreSQL) case characters.
        True if column and table name need to be quoted false otherwise.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), setUseQuoteLowerCase(boolean)
      • setUseQuoteLowerCase

        public void setUseQuoteLowerCase​(boolean useQuoteLowerCase)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Set here whether table names and column names have to be quoted.
        For example, this property can be necessary for Oracle/PostgreSQL databases, if table/column where created with quotes and lower (Oracle) or upper (PostgreSQL) case characters.
        useQuoteLowerCase - Whether table names and column names have to be quoted.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), isUseParenthesiseForJoin()
      • isUseSQL92syntax

        public boolean isUseSQL92syntax()
        Indicates whether the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax or not.
        True if the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax false if not.
        See Also:
      • setUseSQL92syntax

        public void setUseSQL92syntax​(boolean useSQL92syntax)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Set here whether the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax or not.
        If set on true, the join is contained in FROM clause, otherwise in WHERE clause.
        Note: full outer join is not possible in WHERE clause.
        useSQL92syntax - Whether the SQL statement can contain the join condition in SQL92 syntax or not.
        See Also:
      • setUseWhereClause

        public void setUseWhereClause​(boolean useWhereClause)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Set this flag to false if the database does not support the WHERE clause. In this case the record filtering will be done from i-net Clear Reports.
        This flag is relevant if tables and one Datasource is used only.
        useWhereClause - True if the database supports WHERE clauses false otherwiese.
        See Also:
        Datasource.getDataFactory(), DatabaseTables.getDatasourceCount(), isUseWhereClause()
      • getAliasToken

        public java.lang.String getAliasToken()
        As of i-net Clear Reports 13.1, replaced by getConfiguration().getAliasToken()
        Returns the SQL keyword that is required to define an alias name in a SQL statement.
        For some databases a whitespace have to be set between table name and table alias. Other database expect the keyword "AS".
        The keyword used to define an alias name.
        See Also:
      • setAliasToken

        public void setAliasToken​(java.lang.String aliasToken)
        As of i-net Clear Reports 13.1, replaced by getConfiguration().setAliasToken(String)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Sets the SQL keyword that will be put between table name and table alias.
        E.g. the database PostgreSql requires the keyword "AS". Many databases do not need a special keyword to indicate that a alias name is followed.
        aliasToken - The keyword used to define an alias name.
        See Also:
      • getIdentifierQuoteString

        public java.lang.String getIdentifierQuoteString()
        Returns the string used to quote SQL identifiers.
        The string used to quote SQL identifiers.
        See Also:
      • setIdentifierQuoteString

        public void setIdentifierQuoteString​(java.lang.String quoteString)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        Sets the string used to quote SQL identifiers. For most databases it is a " character.
        quoteString - The string which should be used to quote the SQL identifiers.
        See Also:
      • isEscapeEverything

        public boolean isEscapeEverything()
        Returns the value of the flag escapeEverything.
        True if the complete sql identifier will be quoted false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • setUseEscapeEverything

        public void setUseEscapeEverything​(boolean escapeEvreything)
        This method is for adapt the sql statement for a specific database.
        This flag influence the way SQL identifier are written to SQL statement. Per default it is false and should be kept false for most of database.
        If the flag is set to true, the complete table identifier will enclosed with quotes.
        If the table identifier contains catalog/schema information, the complete expression will enclosed with quotes.
        Example - escape everything is true:
        the original table identifier is "atable" in catalog "aCatalog".
        The resulting expression for the table in the sql statement will be : select ... from "aCatalog.aTable"
        note: this syntax is not allowed for most of databases. The only known case setting this flag to true is using i-net FOSITEX driver for csv data files.
        escapeEvreything - True if the complete sql identifier should be quoted false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • findColumnLabels

        protected void findColumnLabels​(TableSource tableSource)
        Tries to find column labels for the columns of the provided TableSource. Overriding classes can use this method to query meta data information about the columns of the provided TableSource. They can use the connection provided by the report. (TableSource.getDatasource().getConnection()) If any column label is found overriding classes should update the database field with the column lable using DatabaseField.setColumnLabel(String).
        tableSource - The TableSource to find the column labels for.
      • toSQL92

        public java.lang.String toSQL92​(java.lang.String function,
                                        Field field)
                                 throws ReportException
        Creates a SQL92 expression with function and one parameter.
        Specified by:
        toSQL92 in interface
        function - the function
        field - the parameter field
        the result expression
        ReportException - the data access failed
      • convertToBoolean

        public java.lang.String convertToBoolean​(boolean value)
        Returns the representation of a boolean value in the query language of the database. The result depends of the ability of the database to resolve boolean constants.
        Specified by:
        convertToBoolean in interface
        value - the boolean value to convert
        the database dependent representation of a boolean
      • convertToBoolean

        public java.lang.String convertToBoolean​(java.lang.String fieldReference,
                                                 boolean invert)
        If required, this function modifies a field reference to convert the value of the field to a boolean. This is required in case the database has no real boolean representation and uses a bit or number instead.
        Specified by:
        convertToBoolean in interface
        fieldReference - the plain field reference for the column which is supposed to contain a boolean value
        invert - set whether to invert the value of the field
        the modified field reference, may be the original one in case the database supports boolean columns
      • convertIdentifier

        public java.lang.String convertIdentifier​(Datasource ds,
                                                  java.lang.String identifier)
        Checks whether an identifier can be used right away or has to be quoted due to invalid characters or keywords. If the identifier requires to be modified, this method will return a modified and valid identifier. Otherwise the original string is returned.
        Specified by:
        convertIdentifier in interface
        ds - the description of all tables used in the current database; required to avoid using table names as identifier. may be null
        identifier - the identifier to convert to a valid SQL identifier, must not be null
        a valid SQL identifier
      • getSqlSyntax

        public getSqlSyntax()
        Returns the SQL syntax definition instance for this data factory.
        Specified by:
        getSqlSyntax in interface DataFactory
        Specified by:
        getSqlSyntax in class JdbcData
        the SQL syntax definition instance for this data factory
      • fetchData

        public void fetchData​(Engine engine,
                              FetchTables fetchTables,
                              DataCollector dataCollector)
                       throws ReportException
        Fetches the part of the report data for which this data factory is responsible. A description about what tables are required to fetch is given in the specified FetchTables instance. The resulting fetched data is put to the specified DataCollector during execution of this method.

        An example implementation for this method:

         for( TableSource tableSource : fetchDef.getTableSources() ) {
             TableData tableData;
              // retrieve data for table source "tableSource"
             tableData = [...]
             // deliver the data to the collector:
             collector.addUnjoinedData( tableSource, tableData );
        Specified by:
        fetchData in interface DataFactory
        fetchData in class BaseDataFactory
        engine - the engine of the report to render
        fetchTables - a model of joining table describing the data this data factory needs to deliver
        dataCollector - the collector which receives any resulting data
        ReportException - on failures during data fetching