Class DifferencesPrintPresenter

All Implemented Interfaces:
NamedExtension, Cloneable

public class DifferencesPrintPresenter extends ExportPresenter
This presenter exports a graphical overview of the complete comparison to a printer. The visual representation is similar to the one of the i-net PDFC GUI.

This presenter will create a PrinterJob for each Pair of compared PDFs using the PrintService and attributes passed in at construction.
In the case you need to change the printer settings for each compared pair, you can override onComparisonDone() and change the AttributeSet before calling super.onComparisonDone();.

  • Constructor Details

    • DifferencesPrintPresenter

      public DifferencesPrintPresenter(@Nonnull @Nonnull PrintService service, PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes)
      Create a new Presenter which exports the complete comparison result to a printer.
      service - The PrinterService to use for the printing process. NOT NULL.
      attributes - A set of attributes which holds printing information such as paper size, orientation or which pages to print. See ApiDoc for Java Printing for more details. NOT NULL.
      i-net PDFC 3.0
  • Method Details

    • getExtensionName

      public String getExtensionName()
      Returns the UNIQUE name of the extension. With UNIQUE referring to 'unique among all implementations of the same interface'
      the UNIQUE name of the extension
    • onComparisonDone

      public void onComparisonDone() throws Exception
      Called to indicate that a comparison has finished. This does not imply that any page data or differences are available.
      Specified by:
      onComparisonDone in class BasePresenter
      Exception - thrown in case the processing of the finish step fails
    • spawn

      public BasePresenter spawn(boolean spawnWithParent)
      Creates another presenter of the the same type as the current one. The spawned presenter may either have the same settings as the current one or it may be a child of the current one.
      spawn in class BasePresenter
      spawnWithParent - if true, the presenter is allowed to keep a reference to it's parent to create a summary on onFinish()
      a new presenter for the same batch comparison run as the current one