Class ResultModel.ChangeInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class ResultModel.ChangeInfo extends Object
Event object with a page range for both documents where the differences data has changed
  • Constructor Details

    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel source, Map<DiffGroup,Set<Modification>> visibilityChanged)
      Creates an event for a change in the visibility of some Modifications
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      visibilityChanged - a map of the affected DiffGroups and Modifications. Each Modification listed here was update in it's visibility
    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE type, ResultModel source, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.PageReadDone doneChunk, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.ProgressState progress)
      Creates the event object
      type - the type of update, must not be null
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      doneChunk - the chunk created when a page can be compared
      progress - the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE type, ResultModel source, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.PageFilterDone doneChunk, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.ProgressState progress)
      Creates the event object
      type - the type of update, must not be null
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      doneChunk - the chunk created when a page can be compared
      progress - the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel source, Map<String,VisibilitySetting> settingChanges, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.ProgressState progress)
      Generates an info for a change in the filter
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      settingChanges - the map of changed settings
      progress - the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel source, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.ProgressState progress)
      Generates an info for a change in the filter
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      progress - the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
    • ChangeInfo

      public ChangeInfo(ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE type, List<? extends DiffGroup> newDiffs, ResultModel source, com.inet.pdfc.generator.message.ProgressState progress)
      Creates the event object
      type - the type of update, must not be null
      newDiffs - the list of new differences
      source - the source data model, must not be null
      progress - the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
  • Method Details

    • getChangedSettings

      public Map<String,VisibilitySetting> getChangedSettings()
      Returns the map of changes settings. The key of the map identifies the setting and the property of the setting. The value is the new value of the setting.
      the map of changed visibilities, will be empty if the the type of this change is not ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE.FILTER_CHANGE but never null
    • getVisibilityChanges

      public Map<DiffGroup,Set<Modification>> getVisibilityChanges()
      Returns a map of all Modifications where the visibility was changed. Only relevant in case the type if ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE.VISIBILITY_CHANGE
      a map of all Modifications where the visibility was changed, will be null if the type is not ResultModel.STATE_CHANGE_TYPE.VISIBILITY_CHANGE
    • getStartL

      public int getStartL()
      The start page in the first document
      the start page in the first document
    • getStartR

      public int getStartR()
      The start page in the second document
      the start page in the second document
    • getEndL

      public int getEndL()
      The end page in the first document
      the end page in the first document
    • getEndR

      public int getEndR()
      The end page in the second document
      the end page in the second document
    • getType

      The type of change
      the change type
    • getSource

      public ResultModel getSource()
      Returns the source data model
      the source data model
    • isAffected

      public boolean isAffected(int pageNr, boolean first)
      Check whether a certain page was affected by this Change.
      pageNr - the number of the page, 0-based.
      first - true for the first document, false for the second.
      true if the given page on given side was affected by this change, otherwise false.
    • getProgress

      public float getProgress()
      Returns the overall progress of the comparison and export in percent
      a percent value, always in interval 0 to 100