Comviva Technologies Limited

Comviva Technologies Limited

Comviva Technologies has been dealing with telecom operators world-wide for its products in OSS/BSS and VAS space. Most of our product has a need for reporting in online and offline mode.

One of our product PreTUPS, deals with electronic prepaid recharges. The very nature of product need lot of operational as well as MIS reports. The users spread over vast geographies demands that solution be available to generate and display reports on web browser. At the same time varying user needs require that reports be available in xls, pdf, csv and other formats. All this without putting a big burden on user budget.

To meet the these requirements, Comviva needed a solution that is robust, feature rich, has ease of integration and provide good design capabilities. Comviva evaluated multiple products e.g. JasperReports, Pentaho data integration, Eclipse - BIRT, i-net Clear Reports etc.

Upon evaluation, we decided to use i-net Clear Reports for the following reasons.

  1. Ease of use - Designer is friendly.
  2. Ease of integration - Integration with core product was seamless. Users don't have to learn two products.
  3. Robust - For large reports, it delivers the results faster.
  4. Evolving product - The product has been enhanced over last few years.
  5. Good support - We faced problems while generating reports in non-english languages. These were quickly fixed by I-net.

PreTUPS has been used by operators worldwide. Prominent operators include France Telecom affiliates (Mobinil - Egypt, Sonatel - Senegal, Mobilecom - Jordan etc), Telenor group (Grameenphone - Bangladesh), Vodafone (Vodafone - India), Orascom (Banglalink - Bangladesh), Telecom Malaysia (Aktel - Bangladesh).

PreTUPS installation at all these operators uses i-net Clear Reports.

Himanshu Dhawan
Comviva Technologies Limited


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