Reading reports designed with Crystal Reports 9 (or higher)

i-net Clear Reports supports the report templates designed with the Crystal Reports 9 (or higher).

Use your Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) report templates at runtime with i-net Clear Reports

If you have installed i-net Clear Reports on the same system like Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) then you can execute your CR 9 (or higher) reports with i-net Clear Reports. That means i-net Clear Reports reads the report template and executes it at runtime. The execution of a CR 9 (or higher) report read by i-net Clear Reports at runtime will take longer than the execution of a CR 9 (or higher) report that was read into i-net Designer or ReportReader.exe and saved into i-net Clear Reports report file format (please see the next two items).

Read the Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) report templates with the i-net Designer

If you have installed the i-net Designer on the same system like Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) then you can read the CR 9 (or higher) report templates with the i-net Designer and save it into i-net Clear Reports report templates:

  1. Install the i-net Designer (or higher) on the computer where Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) is installed.
  2. Open the CR 9 (or higher) report template (rpt file) with the i-net Designer.
  3. Perhaps you have to change the database connection properties (see dialog “Database | Database Configuration”).
  4. Save the report template with a new file name.

The i-net Designer use the i-net Clear Reports report file format for the report files (.rpt).
After you have saved the report template with the i-net Designer into a new file you can:

  • use the report template with i-net Clear Reports on system(s) without having CR 9 (or higher) installed
  • change the report design with the i-net Designer only
  • not open the report template with the Crystal Reports Designer.

Read the Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) report templates with the report reader tool

If you like to use the CR 9 (or higher) report templates with i-net Clear Reports and/or i-net Designer on a system on which Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) is not installed then you need to use at first the report reader tool (ReportReader.exe) on a system on that Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) is installed to save the CR 9 (or higher) reports in the i-net Clear Reports report file format. These report files you can then use with i-net Clear Reports / i-net Designer on a system on which Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) is not installed.
You can read your report template(s) with the report reader tool (ReportReader.exe) without the i-net Designer. With this ReportReader you can read a single rpt file or all rpt files in a directory (including subdirectories) and save them in the i-net Clear Reports report file format.

To do it:

  1. Install i-net Designer or i-net Clear Reports as server/standalone application.
  2. Copy the ReportReader.exe into a directory on the computer on that Crystal Reports 9 (or higher) is installed (e.g. in a directory that contains the CR 9 (or higher) report templates). You can find the ReportReader.exe in the installation directory of the i-net Designer.
  3. Execute the ReportReader.exe on a console to read one or more CR 9 (or higher) reports, e.g.:
ReportReader -s *.rpt Read all CR 9 (or higher) rpt files in the current directory and the subdirectories and save them in the i-net Clear Reports report format.
The file name will be: OldReportName.xml.rpt.
It will be located in the same directory as the CR 9 (or higher) rpt file.
ReportReader -s -d C:ClearReports *.rpt The i-net Clear Reports files will be saved in the directory

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