All the features

For any organization, communication is key to success. Professional collaboration tools with data security in mind are essential in almost every aspect of digital exchange.

Our i-net CoWork platform can live up to that task within your company, educational institutions, a local community, or even just with your friends. It is set up within minutes and offers a broad spectrum of functions that is easily extended using the Plugin Store.


It's a place to meet up. Just start writing away. Your teams and channels are listed on your left side. Your co-workers, friend's, and partner's are visible to the right.

Talk and Share

Talk to one other, see each other, and share your screens. You can even share multiple screens or screens from another device. All of that in the same channel.

Teams and Channels

Teams are groups of individuals with access to multiple channels. Team administrators and members can be easily and freely assigned. Each channel can be fully customized according to its purpose, with a unique name, description, and custom icon.

Meeting Rooms

Collaborate and present seamlessly with Meeting Rooms. Invite both internal and external users to join your sessions via provided links, where they can share screens, chat, and converse during meetings. Guest accounts are created for those without an existing account and are automatically removed at the session's end, logout or deletion of the room.

Direct Messages

Direct messaging supports all features just like a regular chat. It is a private channel for text messaging, voice and video calls, or screen sharing. It is different only in two ways. First: it is for two persons only. Second: if both users leave the room, the content is deleted for good.

Markup using Markdown

Writing messages supports Markdown for highlighting text. You can use bold, italic, and underlined text, as well as ordered and unordered list. Headlines, links, and code blocks work just like you expect them to.


You can access a list of commands that execute standard tasks in the Task Planner - our embedded task scheduling tool - or query data from external sources. Or you can create your own plugins providing custom commands.

Reactions and Raise Hand

Reactions can be given in voice and video calls using emojis. Clicking them will float the emoji over everybody else’s screens. If you want to say something in an otherwise muted conversation: use the Raise Hand feature.

Users and Groups

i-net CoWork integrates directly into company structures such as Active Directory or LDAP authentication. The Users and Groups application offers you even more fine-grained permission control.


The WebAPI is a powerful, REST-API extension to integrate i-net CoWork with custom services, e.g. setting the user status, controlling teams and channels, sending messages, creating Backups, and running Task Planner tasks.


i-net CoWork offers a wide range of options in a clear interface for individual configuration. You‘ll find settings for connectivity and security - such as server ports, SSL certificates, and email settings. Here, too, you can manage custom emojis for chats and call reactions.

Diagnostics and Maintenance

The Diagnostics and Maintenance applications are installed by default. The Diagnostics application lets you check your installation, handle CoWork Meeting Rooms, view the logs and run system benchmarks. The Maintenance application handles backups, as well as several system data related operations.

Plugin Store

The Plugin Store helps to keep track of installed features, add new features, and update i-net CoWork to newer versions. In our plugin store you'll find many additional features, such as the Task Planner, authentication integration plugins, ChatGPT integration and many more.

Stream Deck Integration

Enhance your i-net CoWork experience with our free plugin for the Elgato Stream Deck. Simply press a button to start/stop calls, mute/unmute, send reactions, raise your hand, set a custom online status, and even start screen shares and video calls

And a lot more ...

Talking to each other

  • Fast and dead simple text messaging.
    • Text formatting based on Markdown.
    • Send images and other attachments by drag & drop.
    • Replying to each other messages, notifying the original user.
    • Preview for external links and automatic, configurable playing of videos, GIF, and WebP content
    • Send emoji reactions.
  • Voice and video chats in every channel.
    • You can react to one another with a selection of emojis.
    • Also, raise your hand whenever you want to share a thought during a presentation.
    • Customize notification sounds and overall volume
    • Pull out the call window into a standalone overlay to make more room for your chats
  • Share screens of multiple displays, application windows, and even from multiple devices.
  • Search for messages in your channels.
  • Customizable User absence detection.
  • If someone mentions you, a notification is issued to your operating system. Users can set up individual notification preferences.
  • Send private texts in direct message channels and even start a voice chat or share your screen privately.
  • Create meeting rooms for external support or to meet in a small, independent group.
  • Manage multiple teams with respective channels.
    • Teams have their own administrators who manage the members independently.
    • System administrators do not automatically have read access to teams or channels.

Professional Support

  • Our incredible support is available during office hours and usually responds within 24 hours.
  • We are with you every step of the way, starting with the evaluation phase up until the rollout and beyond.
  • Your feedback is welcome to keep improving i-net CoWork.

Data Security

  • GDPR-compliant due to being self-hosted and managed.
    • Text messages are stored on your server, no data is sent to elsewhere.
  • Works in intranet and private cloud environments without a direct internet connection.
  • Deleted messages are removed for good.
    • Direct messages and attachments are also removed when all members have left a direct messaging channel.
  • Voice, video, and screen sharing is only available through HTTPS secured connections.
  • SSL certificates can be deployed automatically using the Task Planner feature.
  • Let's Encrypt Certificates are available for publicly accessible servers.

System Integration

  • Platform-independent deployment due to underlying OpenJava technology.
    • Installer available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, or as a Docker container.
  • Requires a recent browser on the user side and supports Progressive Web App (PWA) installations. Receiving notifications is also operating system dependant, but works out-of-the-box with Windows, Android, macOS, and iOS.
  • Mapping of company structures, departments or groups into teams.
  • Integration of user management systems such as Active Directory and LDAP.
  • Two-factor authentication and brute force login prevention are available from the Plugin Store.
  • Creating and restoring backups is offered within the Maintenance application.
  • Expandable using custom plugins, e.g. to create custom commands.
  • i-net CoWork text chat is included with i-net HelpDesk free of charge and can be used with all other products by i-net /// software.

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