All the features

i-net PDFC

  • Single-User usage on one computer
  • Comparison of documents in the following formats: PDF, DocX, TXT, PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF
  • OCR recognition and document language detection1)
  • Export results and differences report as PDF
  • Export comparison report as XLS, XLSX, ODS and RTF in addition to PDF
  • Handling of multiple profiles
  • Document comparison history
  • Plugin Store to add more filters, new document types

i-net PDFC Server

  • All features from the Standalone Application
  • Sharing of comparison profiles and results
  • Users and Groups Manager with extendable authentication backend
  • Document Drive to securely store files for comparison
  • Task Planner to schedule (batch-) comparisons or create one-off tasks
  • RESTful interface for non-interactive and automated use or website integration
  • JUnit library to compare and verify documents using an i-net PDFC Server on the network, e.g. CI integrated tests
  • Statistics and Diagnostics application to monitor the server status and manage executed comparison jobs

Command Line Access

  • Command Line tool to compare PDF files or directories
    • Batch comparison of all documents in entire directories
    • Share configuration with GUI and vice versa
    • Fine-tuned comparison settings
    • Output the difference pages as image files
    • Print or create a PDF file containing the comparison results
  • No page number and page count limitation 2)
  • Supports JUnit


  • API and .NET API access to integrate i-net PDFC in your own products
    • allows a broader access to core functions of i-net PDFC to e.g. create custom result filters and resemble the command line functionality
    • i-net PDFC provides a library to be embedded in your server software or program.
    • OEM conditions may apply

Feature Matrix

i-net PDFC Server
i-net PDFC Standalone
i-net PDFC Command Line  
i-net PDFC SDK
Comparison of documents in the formats PDF, DocX, TXT, PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF Yes Yes Yes Yes
OCR recognition and document language detection3) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Output the difference pages as image files Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export results and differences report as PDF Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export report as PDF, XLS, XLSX, ODS and RTF Yes Yes Yes Yes
Comparison profile management Yes Yes
Document comparison history Yes Yes
Sharing of comparison profiles Yes
Document Drive to securely store files for comparison Yes
Users and Groups Manager with extendable authentication backend Yes
Task Planner to schedule (batch-) comparisons or create one-off tasks Yes
RESTful interface for non-interactive and automated use Yes
Statistics and Diagnostics application to monitor the server status and manage executed comparison jobs Yes
JUnit library to compare and verify documents using, e.g. CI integrated tests Yes Yes
Batch comparison of all documents in entire directories Yes Yes
Plugin Store for additional features and filters Yes Yes
Installation of additional features using Maven Repository Yes Yes
API and .NET API access to integrate PDFC in your own products Yes
License Support 4)
Standard License Yes
Plus License Yes Yes Yes
Server License Yes Yes Yes Yes
SaaS/Cloud License Yes Yes
Enterprise License Yes Yes Yes Yes
OEM License Yes Yes Yes Yes
1) , 3)
OCR requires Tesseract 4 installed on non-Windows computers
The GUI only allows one pair of PDF files to be compared at the same time and limits the number of pages to be compared depending on the memory of your computer.
Restrictions apply as per the requirements.

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