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i-net Clear Reports 24.4.315
Report suite including report server, remote designer and remote GUI.
Server Debian / UbuntuAug 06, 2024240 MBSHA1: 3DCF46A7911840B95107463978B409796851826C
Server Linux (RPM)Aug 06, 2024240 MBSHA1: 7BF782A28CE84A7CEEE4EB91C93F697CA16B8B3B
Server macOS (Apple Chip)Aug 06, 2024238 MBSHA1: 247691CAAD04E99236A9232E2786F6C1D6723386
Server macOS (Intel Chip)Aug 06, 2024239 MBSHA1: 7A1C0666A746D47A68A250CB5309EC7B23436C43
Server WindowsAug 06, 2024247 MBSHA1: 928D42EB079852D3F4A998DB1FE7AB6E8D12E53C
Report designer for local installation. It does not contain the report server.
Designer Debian / UbuntuAug 06, 2024177 MBSHA1: C9E9010C36F930610FF4A3B61DDC76930648A8FD
Designer Linux (RPM)Aug 06, 2024177 MBSHA1: 456D5465B083B598B63A66359F7BCE7D22F83C02
Designer macOS (Apple Chip)Aug 06, 2024202 MBSHA1: 240A3E79156E0521F437B22292F9656BDEA94498
Designer macOS (Intel Chip)Aug 06, 2024203 MBSHA1: 7C317A7F46A0EB76F4055170301FAF7CF3FABC07
Designer WindowsAug 06, 2024184 MBSHA1: A84FA439B1EF6A7845379ED8957F0A8064BCC3EB
Software development kit including Java and .NET API.
SDKAug 06, 2024183 MBSHA1: E8AB49556CA6DEA6BD63444DAB11DF129DEAE8E4
Web application archive to deploy i-net Clear Reports in an application server. The Application Server has to support the Servlet Spec 3.1 or higher.
WARAug 06, 2024158 MBSHA1: 47CFC83273BB9315E4694C9434DC43B62ADA56C3
Dependency Check report of the release, created using OWASP. The archive contains various formats, including a suppression file that was used during the check.
Designer Dependency SecurityAug 06, 20242 MBSHA1: 748A8F5F0BB202F6C31FB546CCC9A8FD0A16E297
Dependency SecurityAug 06, 20247 MBSHA1: 1999549EB99034F077189AF1F783428F2D2D8213
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