Document Triggers

Triggers are small Java classes which check documents for validity. i-net Doqua comes with a set of triggers to do standard tests, e.g. for HTML validation or to check all links for validity.

What do Triggers look like?

Triggers can do any job on a file that you want them to. They only have to implement the interface outlined below.

i-net Doqua comes with a set of default triggers:

Interface specification

package com.inet.doqua.trigger;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import com.inet.doqua.project.IDocument;
 * This interface has to be implemented to use a Class as Trigger for Styles
 * @author i-net software <tools [at] inetsoftware [dot] de>
public interface ITrigger {
     * Validates a files. Options can be defined in the project style settings to re-use
     * a class sveral times. 
     * @param document file to check
     * @param options options from style definitions
     * @return TestSuite to check the document with.
    TestSuite validate( IDocument document, String options );
     * Function will be called once when starting the test series. This function
     * prepares static content and/or removes old results
     * @param options options from the project settings
    void startUpSuite(String options);
     * Function will be called once when finisheing the test series. This function
     * can execute final tests over actual results and collected data from this trigger
     * @param options options from the project settings
     * @return TestSuite with final tests
    TestSuite shutDownSuite(String options);
     * This function will be executed per file AFTER all tests. It delivers the result if it 
     * does not return null. So you can finally change the output for a file.
     * @param file file to check
     * @param options options from the project settings
     * @return TestSuite, if there are final tests to do per file
    TestSuite shutDownFile( IDocument document, String options );    

What's next?


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