JUnit Integration - Workflow Integration

The core of Doqua that checks your documentation is based on JUnit test cases. Every test for a style, trigger, and tagging is a test case and will be executed for every document you want to check.

This makes it easy to run Doqua tests automatically as JUnit test suites.


JUnit Test Suite in Eclipse Java Project

Creating an i-net Doqua Test Suite for an existing Eclipse Java project is simple.

  • add the two libraries com.inet.doqua.jar and jtidy.jar to your Java Build Path Libraries
  • create a new launcher configuration
    • open the Run Configurations… menu
    • select the group JUnit and click on New launch configuration
      • a new JUnit launcher will be created
    • In the Test tab:
      • select your project via Browse… in the Run a single test section
      • insert com.inet.doqua.DokuTool as Test class
    • Switch to the Arguments tab
      • add the following line into the VM arguments textbox

        and change the paramter %PROJECT% to your project name

    • Click Apply and Run to start the test.

Integration Sample - Hudson/Jenkins

Here at i-net software, we use Hudson to continously build and test our software throughout each development phase, making it easy to react quickly to any problems which may arise. Together with i-net Doqua, we use Hudson to continously test our documentation and to plan review cycles.

Jenkins is an automated building and testing system. It monitors the execution of repeated jobs, showing their success and error states.

You can easily integrate i-net Doqua with Hudson by creating a new Hudson job calling a special build script. See an example build script.

In addition to the prequisites above you will need to:


JUnit is one of the most widely used unit testing framework for Java projects. Unit-testing is a vital part of the concept of test-driven development (TDD). For more information see junit.org and wikipedia.

See an example build script. You can run this script on your favorite JUnit test environment with ANT support.

Download Information

i-net Doqua
1.0.8com.inet.doqua_1.0.8.jar1.41 MB
1.0.7com.inet.doqua_1.0.7.jar1.41 MB
1.0.6com.inet.doqua_1.0.6.jar1.41 MB
1.0.5com.inet.doqua_1.0.5.jar1.41 MB
1.0.4com.inet.doqua_1.0.4.jar1.41 MB
1.0.3com.inet.doqua_1.0.3.jar1.41 MB

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