
i-net Crystal-Clear 8.0 available

Berlin, Apr 10, 2008

i-net software proudly announces the release of i-net Crystal-Clear 8.0.

This major version features an entirely new and improved chart rendering with new chart types, as well as a Configuration Manager which greatly eases configuration of i-net Crystal-Clear.

Improved Configuration

Release 8.0 features a new configuration manager which greatly eases configuration of i-net Crystal-Clear.

In previous versions, the file “” was the storage location for the properties of i-net Crystal-Clear. Since version 8.0, i-net Crystal-Clear no longer uses a file but rather stores one or more configurations in the Preferences of the system on which it runs.

Improved Configuration of Database Connections

The restructuring of the Data Source management, which had started in version 7 , has been completed in version 8.0 - it is now easier than ever to configure data sources for your reports, and to manage these configurations.

This way, it is not necessary to configure the same database connection each time you create a report. Just select the data source at design time with the Connection Manager.

Improved Chart API / Chart Properties Dialog

Version 8.0 of i-net Crystal-Clear supports entirely new Charts, with a new API (Chart2) and with many new features and an improved look. The old Chart API has been deprecated.

i-net DesignerXML version 8.0 contains a new implementation of the “Chart Properties” dialog.

On the right side of the dialog it is possible to display a preview of the chart using default data.

The new chart types “Continuous Bar”, “Continuous Line” and “Continuous Area” were added, supporting a group axis that is continuous and arranged numerically or by date.

Other new Features

  • Excel Export: Pictures, Blobs, Java Beans and Charts are now supported
  • PDF Export: Creation of signed PDF files is now supported
  • Boxes span multiple sections no longer cover report elements in those sections
  • The API has been greatly improved.

Many other features, bug fixes and improvements were made. For more details, see the Release Notes for Version 8.0 and the Migration Guide for upgrading from previous versions. Download

You can download release 8.0 from our download area.

For compatibility with Windows Vista UAC (User Access Control) we recommend to use the Windows Installation instead of the Multi-Platform Installation.


If you have any questions about this version or encounter any problems using i-net Crystal-Clear, please feel free to contact us.
We will be happy to assist you.


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